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Bleeding Gums Treatment East Delhi

Best Bleeding Gums Treatment East Delhi: Cost of Bleeding Gums Treatment East Delhi

We at The Advanced Dental Clinic offer the best treatment for your smile correction. Bleeding Gums can be easily fixed with the help of Gum Treatments, Scaling and Polishing. The charges for Rs 2,500 for teeth cleaning and scaling. at The Advanced Dental Clinic East Delhi – Bleeding Gums Treatment East Delhi

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    Bleeding Gums Treatment Delhi

    Bleeding Gums Treatment East Delhi

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    What are bleeding gums: Bleeding Gums Treatment East Delhi

    Bleeding gums are the most common sign of gum disease and can indicate other underlying health problems. Occasional bleeding from the gums can be due to vigorous brushing, or an ill-fitting denture ad is not much of a concern.

    Frequent and chronic bleeding from the gums while brushing or spontaneous blood oozing can be due to various causes. There are both dental and other causes of bleeding gums. Bleeding Gums Treatment East Delhi depends mainly on the cause of bleeding gums.

    Causes of bleeding gums: Bleeding Gums Treatment East Delhi


    The early stage of gum disease is called gingivitis. The plaque accumulates on the tooth surface when it is not adequately cleaned. This plaque hardens to form tartar and irritates the gums, causing inflammation. The classical signs of gingivitis are:

    • Red swollen gums
    • Change in texture of gums
    • Frequent or spontaneous bleeding from the gums
    • Soreness in the gums

    Gingivitis is limited to the soft tissue portion and can be effectively managed with a professional cleaning at Advanced Dental Clinic, East Delhi. 


    The advanced stage of gum disease is called periodontitis or Pyorrhoea. In this, the gums’ inflammation spreads to the teeth’ supporting tissues. The teeth become loose and mobile in case of periodontitis. Bleeding Gums Treatment East Delhi, in such circumstances, needs extensive intervention and specific treatments to cure pyorrhoea.


    One of the medical health conditions that have a direct effect on the health of the gum is diabetes. The high blood sugar levels make it difficult for the body to heal and fight the bacteria causing gum disease.

    Vitamin C and K deficiency

    Vitamin C deficiency leads to scurvy, in which the gums become soft and soggy. The presence of vitamin C helps in maintaining the healing capacity of the body. The connective tissue health of the gums is dependent on the intake of vitamin C

    Vitamin K helps in the formation of certain clotting factors, and the deficiency of this vitamin can cause bleeding tendency from the gums.

    Blood disorder

    Blood disorders like thrombocytopenia, Von Willebrand disease, and Hemophilia can manifest as bleeding gums. The spontaneous bleeding or bleeding on the slightest provocation may be a sign of these blood disorders Delhi.

    Other causes 

    • Certain medications like aspirin and blood thinners make you more prone to bleeding gums Delhi. Therefore it is essential to be cautious while brushing when on such medicines.
    • Smokers are more prone to bleeding than nonsmokers
    • With aging, the tendency to bleed increases when compared to children

    Bleeding Gums Treatment East Delhi

    • The bleeding gums treatment East Delhi mainly depends on the cause of bleeding gums. The symptoms of gingivitis subside with professional cleaning or scaling. The treatment of pyorrhea at our center in Delhi needs an extensive approach.
    • If there is any medical condition or any medicine that is causing the bleeding from gums, our doctors in Delhi believe in taking a review from the consulting physician while planning the treatment in a comprehensive way
    • For periodontitis, various flap surgeries and other treatments are available that promote healing
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