Say goodbye to tooth pain – Pulpectomy Treatment Delhi
Our teeth comprise enamel, dentine, and pulp. The pulp, the inner core of the tooth, contains blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue, which are vital for tooth vitality. Severe pain and infection occur when dental decay progresses and infects the pulp. To save the tooth and eliminate the infection, pulpectomy, the removal of the pulp, becomes necessary, particularly in children with primary teeth.
In the information provided below, we will briefly discuss Pulpectomy Treatment Delhi – brought to you by Advanced Dental Clinic.
Pulpectomy vs. Root Canal Treatment – Pulpectomy Treatment Delhi
Many wonder about the difference between a pulpectomy and a standard root canal treatment. A pulpectomy removes the dental pulp from the crown and roots of baby teeth, replacing it with an absorbable material like calcium hydroxide or zinc oxide eugenol. This procedure is performed since primary teeth are naturally resorbed and replaced by permanent teeth.
In contrast, a root canal treatment involves removing the pulp from permanent adult teeth and shaping and filling the root canals with a permanent material like gutta-percha. A dental crown may be placed to preserve the function and integrity of the tooth.
Pulpotomy vs. Pulpectomy – Pulpectomy Treatment Delhi
In children, two common forms of pulp therapy are pulpotomy and pulpectomy. The pulpotomy involves removing the infected pulp in the crown portion of the tooth and placing a sedative material to prevent further inflammation.
A stainless steel crown is then placed to restore normal function. On the other hand, pulpectomy is required when the entire pulp is involved. The diseased pulp is completely removed, and the canals are cleaned, disinfected, and filled. The restoration process is similar to pulpotomy.
When is Pulpectomy Necessary? – Pulpectomy Treatment Delhi
A pulpectomy is recommended to save severely damaged baby teeth affected by dental caries or trauma. Immediate dental care is crucial to alleviate pain and prevent complications.
Premature loss of baby teeth can impact speech, chewing, and the eruption of permanent teeth. Infections in baby teeth can also spread to developing permanent teeth within the jawbone, making prompt treatment essential for retention.
The Pulpectomy Procedure – Pulpectomy Treatment Delhi
The procedure starts with examining your child by our kid’s dental expert at Advanced Dental Clinic.
A local anesthetic is administered during a pulpectomy, and a dental dam isolates the tooth. Decay is removed, and the pulp is extracted using specialized instruments. The canals are filled with a medicated material, which is safely reabsorbed by the body.
Why Not Extract the Tooth?
Baby teeth are crucial in eating, speaking, and guiding permanent teeth. Premature extraction can lead to difficulties in chewing, misalignment, and orthodontic issues. Preserving all baby teeth improves your child’s confidence and overall oral health.
Can Pulpectomy Be Avoided?
If a baby’s tooth is infected, a pulpectomy is necessary. However, good oral hygiene practices can help prevent such procedures. Encourage proper brushing and flossing habits, limit sugar consumption, and schedule regular dental visits for prompt treatment and preventive care to avoid procedures like pulpectomy.