Are dental veneers safe – Let’s find out
Dental veneers are the most versatile and effective option for smile makeovers. They manage imperfections like discolored teeth, small gaps between teeth, minor misalignments, and chipped-off or broken tooth fragments. But the most common query asked by our experts at The Advanced Dental Clinic Delhi is: Are dental veneers safe?
In the information provided below, we will answer this question and help you make an informed decision.
Types of veneers – Are dental veneers safe?
Before we delve into the details, let’s understand the types of veneers. There are mainly two types of veneers: porcelain and composite resin.
Porcelain Veneers
They are known for their durability and natural appearance. The porcelain material is safe to use in the mouth. The tooth preparation for porcelain veneers is minimal and does not damage the tooth. It is a painless and safe preparation for the veneer attachment. No risk is involved as the first layer of the tooth is trimmed. The nerves and blood vessels of the tooth are present in the third layer, the innermost part.
Composite Resin Veneers
The tooth-colored resin material is directly applied to the tooth in composite resin veneers. They are easy, quick to install, and single sitting procedure. Like porcelain material, the composite resin is also safe to use in the mouth. The tooth preparation for composite veneers is less than porcelain veneers, making it a more comfortable option.
Do veneers damage your teeth – Are dental veneers safe?
The most common concern of almost everyone going for veneers is safety. Yes, the dental veneers are safe for you. The tooth preparation done for veneers involves only the front surface. Unlike crowns that involve all the sides of the tooth, the veneers are only attached to the front surface. Only a few millimeters of trimming is involved, which will not damage your teeth.
Is it for everyone?
The next thing that comes to mind about dental veneers’ safety is the eligibility criteria. Is it for everyone? Can anyone get it? These are a few common queries that everyone planning for veneers has. Let’s talk about the conditions where the veneers are indicated and where it is advisable to rethink getting them.
Conditions where veneers are indicated
Discolored tooth
The stubborn intrinsic stains not managed by teeth whitening come in this category. Veneers are an effective way to manage intrinsic tooth discoloration.
Small gaps
Minor gaps that do not require traditional ways like braces and aligners to close the gaps. Dental veneers can safely manage such minor gaps in a faster way.
Minor misalignments
Minor misalignments can be treated by our cosmetic dentist team at The Advanced Dental Clinic Delhi. It is advisable to get your dental examination done to know your eligibility.
Chipped off teeth
Chipped-off or broken teeth can be repaired easily with the help of dental veneers
Conditions that need to be addressed before veneers
Tooth decay
Though veneers are caries-resistant, the tooth over which veneers are planned should be caries free. If there are any signs of tooth decay present, it is suggested to get the treatment done for tooth decay first.
Gum problems
The supporting tissues, like gums, need to be healthy before planning veneers.
Enamel hypoplasia
The first layer of teeth is called enamel, and if there is any structural abnormality, it is a matter of concern before planning veneers.
Teeth grinding or bruxism is a habit that can damage your veneers. Night guards are planned to manage bruxism before veneer planning.