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Pyorrhea, also known as periodontitis, is an advanced stage of gum disease that affects the supporting structures of the teeth, including the gums and ligaments. At Advanced Dental Clinic in East Delhi, we offer comprehensive treatments for pyorrhea to address its complications and restore dental health.

Pyorrhea Treatment East Delhi – Revitalize Your Smile

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    Pyorrhea Treatment East Delhi – Advanced Solutions for Pyorrhea


    We have built this place with a lot of love and attention keeping in mind the comfort and experience of the patient. Every nook and corner of the clinic has been designed to keep patient comfort and experience in mind. We are located on the main road near Dashmesh public school, Vivek Vihar, East Delhi. We have ample parking space.


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    When was the last time your doctor gave you his cell phone number? While choosing a dentist, you want someone you can reach in an emergency. The team at Advanced dental clinic does care calls and messages to our patients and also keeps our relationship perfect.


    What is the first thing you do when you want to find a good dentist near you? You Google your dentist and check the reviews first because we all know reviews are honest and straightforward. We stand by our work. Patients satisfaction is one of our main goals as pertains to your care.

    Pyorrhea Treatment Delhi

    Pyorrhea, or periodontitis, is a severe form of gum disease that impacts the gums and the bones supporting the teeth. Advanced Dental Clinic in East Delhi addresses pyorrhea through various treatments tailored to the severity of the condition. These include professional cleaning to remove tartar, antibiotics for infection control, surgical procedures like flap surgery for deep cleaning, and bone grafting to regenerate lost bone. We also utilize advanced laser therapy for precise and effective treatment, ensuring faster recovery and optimal results.

    Pyorrhea, an advanced stage of gum disease known as periodontitis, affects the supporting structures of the teeth, including gums and ligaments. If untreated, it can lead to severe complications such as tooth loss, abscess formation, and receding gums. At Advanced Dental Clinic in East Delhi, we offer a range of treatments to manage pyorrhea, including professional dental cleaning, antibiotics, flap surgery, bone grafting, and laser therapy. Our team of experts provides personalized care to eliminate infection and restore dental health.

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    What is Pyorrhea? – Pyorrhea Treatment East Delhi

    Our teeth are supported by gums and supporting fibers that connect them to the bone, known as supporting ligaments. When gum disease is in its initial stages, it causes changes in the color and texture of the gums only. When the disease reaches its advanced stages, it is known as Pyorrhea or periodontitis. If left untreated, it can lead to various problems. The information below will briefly discuss the complications associated with untreated pyorrhea and the multiple methods of Pyorrhea Treatment East Delhi.

    Complications of pyorrhea – Pyorrhea Treatment East Delhi

    Tooth Loss

    The infection can destroy the bone supporting the teeth as the disease progresses. This causes significant bone loss that weakens the foundation of the teeth and leads to tooth mobility and eventual tooth loss.

    Abscess Formation

    The abscess formation is characterized by a localized collection of pus. In some cases, when the infection is severe, pockets are formed around the tooth where the pus accumulates.

    Receding Gums

    The inflammation of the gums leads to a change in the color and texture of the gums. As the disease progresses, it leads to receding gums. This gum recession leads to exposed tooth roots making the teeth more susceptible to sensitivity and tooth decay.

    Methods of Pyorrhea Treatment East Delhi

    Professional Dental Cleaning 

    Profession cleaning is one of the most recommended  Pyorrhea Treatment East Delhi. Regular brushing may not be sufficient for some hard deposits on the teeth, known as tartar. To remove tartar, you need professional cleaning with the help of a dental scaler. Scaling helps in removing the tartar that was causing gum irritation.


    In some cases, besides dental scaling, our team may apply topical antibiotic pastes on the affected area for a speedy recovery. The choice of this treatment depends upon the severity of the disease. 

    Flap Surgery

    In severe cases, flap surgeries may be advised as a Pyorrhea Treatment East Delhi mode. In this treatment, the gums are lifted to raise a flap to facilitate deep cleaning. Once the cleaning is done, the gums are sutured back, allowing the reduction in pockets formed around the tooth.

    Bone Grafting

    If the pyorrhea has affected the bone around the teeth, bone grafting may be necessary to stimulate new bone generation. This type of Pyorrhea Treatment East Delhi is reserved for advanced cases of pyorrhea where all other methods have failed.

    Laser Therapy

    At our center, we use dental lasers as the advanced method of treating gum diseases. The advantage of Lasers is that the recovery is faster, and the laser light is highly precise and effective in bacterial elimination.

    Aftercare of  Pyorrhea Treatment East Delhi

    • There is nothing that can replace maintaining good oral hygiene practices. Brushing twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush is advised as an aftercare.
    • Be gentle with your technique, and ensure that you use fluoridated toothpaste. For cleaning between the teeth, use a dental floss at least once a day. 
    • Use an antimicrobial mouthwash as prescribed by our team
    • Always attend regular follow-ups to keep track of your progress
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